Club Policies
Nepean Basketball has policies and procedures in place to ensure that programs run smoothly and provide a safe and fair environment for players. Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly.
Program Policies
- See Recreational Program, U12 Development.
- The goal of the NBBA sort-out process is to ensure all teams within the Division/Age group are balanced.
- Sort-outs will be held for the U12, U14, U16, and U19 age groups. The sort-outs will generally be divided into sessions lasting 90 minutes with approximately 20-25 players invited to each season. Normally, two sort-out sessions will be held for each Division/Age group.
- The players will be assigned to the sort-out sessions by the Division/Age group coordinator.
- Scrimmages, drills and prior knowledge will be used to evaluate players. Players will be evaluated with respect to dribbling, passing, shooting, speed and height. These will be used to form an overall assessment of the player. The evaluations will be made by the Division/Age Group coaches and submitted to the Division/Age Group coordinator.
- The ‘team’ a player is assigned to during the sort-out process has no relation to the team that the player will be assigned to for the season.
- The team a player played on in a previous season will have no bearing to the team the player will be assigned to for the current season.
- The coach a player played for in a previous season will have no bearing on the team the player will be assigned to for the current season.
- The NBBA goal of balanced teams ensures the best playing experience for our athletes. It also allows our athletes to experience playing with different players from year to year further enriching their playing and social experience. The NBBA is therefore unable to take friend, car-pooling or playing time/location requests when forming Recreational or Development teams.
- Final team selections will be determined by the Division/Age group coordinator.
- A player who did not participate in the sort-outs and is assigned to a team may be moved following his/her team assignment to ensure proper balancing of the teams.
- Each team will have a minimum of two coaches: a head coach and an assistant coach(es).
- Head Coaches are responsible for all communication between the club and the players.
- Coaches will be offered and are strongly encouraged to attend club and other EOBA training sessions including NCCP Coaching Certification sessions and/or the OBA Club Coach Certificate training. Coaches will have access to drills and other instructional video through the NBBA Technical Director.
- Coaches will conduct themselves in accordance with the NBBA and OBA Coaches code of conduct.
League Structure
- The league schedule will be determined by the Division/Age group convenor, with the approval of the VP Development / VP Recreation.
- Where possible the league schedule will be balanced (play each team the same number of times).
- Standings will be maintained for Divisions/Age groups (U12, U14, U16, U19).
- The number of teams in the league will be determined by the number of players registered in a specific Division/Age group and the allotted gym time for the program.
- There will be no less than 12 individuals and no more than 14 players on a given team. Any exception to this rule must be forwarded to the responsible VP.
- For each Division/Age group there will be a year end championship tournament. The format of the championship tournament will be determined by the convenor and must be submitted to the responsible VP for approval.
- Convenors for a specific Age group/Division may organize additional tournaments over the course of the year but must have the approval of the responsible VP and cover all tournament expenses.
The NBBA has an equal-play policy for all age divisions in the Development and Recreational programs. Coaches are required to provide equal playing time for all players who are present at a game. It is recognized that during any given game equal play may not be possible due to the number of players on the roster for that game, injuries that may occur, or players fouling out, in which case a coach may, for example, use the unbalanced shifts to reward the commitment of players who attend practice. Coaches should as much as possible balance playing time over the course of the season.
- The participation rule is in effect for an entire game.
- Each game is 8 periods of 4 minutes each, stop time.
- Halftime is between periods 4 and 5. Overtime periods are 2 minutes. The game begins with a jump ball, all other periods begin using the possession arrow and a throw-in straddling the centre line, opposite the scorers table.
- Substitutions occur only at the end of each period. Coaches must have their players ready at the scorers table 30 seconds before the previous period ends.
- See Equal-play shifts worksheet with rotation options for 7 to 14 players.
The participation rule was formulated for the best interests of the players at the Development and Recreational level and aims at providing stage-appropriate competition that maximizes each athlete’s long-term fun. Every player who has registered and signed a team roster form must participate. Every coach is expected to respect the intent of these rules and adhere to them.
It is the responsibility of all coaches to check the scoresheet during and after the game for accuracy of shift tracking. Should a violation in the participation rule occur, it is the responsibility of the coach to raise the issue.
- See U12 Development.
- The Participation Rule applies (equal-play policy with 8 shifts).
- FIBA and OBA rules generally apply (with exceptions below).
Person to Person Defence
- Half-court person-to-person defence is played in the NBBA U12 house leagues. Defensive players must drop back to centre as soon as the other team takes control of the ball in their back-court and the offensive player must be allowed to dribble across the centre line. Intentional double-teaming is not permitted.
- For more information, see Person-to-person defence rules.
Other Exceptions
- Offensive players are not permitted to set screens on the ball or away from the ball.
- On a free throw, the shooter is permitted to stand anywhere between the foul line and the dashed circle in the middle of the key.
- Half time is 5 minutes.
- Each team is allowed one time-out in each half or over-time period.
- No over-time for regular-season games.
The NBBA has supplied recreational and competitive players with a uniform to be worn for the season then returned to the club, but every year some players fail to return their uniforms or uniforms are returned beyond repair and not suitable for use. The NBBA has therefore adopted a new uniforms policy effective for 2021-22:
- At the beginning of the 2021-22 season, recreational and competitive players will be given existing uniforms to be worn for the season, then the uniforms are theirs to keep.
- In following seasons,
- competitive-program players will re-use their uniform so long as it still fits, or otherwise purchase a new uniform from the NBBA supplier
- recreational players will be provided a new reversible jersey every season, and asked to provide their own black shorts.
- Players in the development program will continue to receive a new T-shirt every season, but will be asked to provide their own black shorts.
Care of Uniforms
Any white tops should be washed separately, in cold water and hung to dry. Do not put in the dryer.
Practice Attire
Competitive and recreational players should not wear their current-season uniform to practice; instead, players should wear a T-shirt and shorts. Development players can and should wear their current T-shirt and shorts to practice.
Cut-offs, pockets, pockets turned inside out, pocket openings, tears in the fabric, belt loops, and loose strings are not allowed.
Pajama bottoms and long pants are not allowed.
Players must have proper non-marking footwear. No outdoor shoes, boots or dress shoes should be worn.
Availability of Court Time
Unlike many soccer and baseball leagues, the NBBA does not have its own gyms. We would like to thank the City of Ottawa, the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board, the Ottawa Carleton District School Board and other facilities that provide us with access to their gyms. The hard work of personnel who administer and support these sites is greatly appreciated.
The use of school gyms is dependent upon teams (players, parents and coaches) exiting the school premises promptly when their allocated time period expires, thus teams must exit the school gyms exactly at the time indicated on our permits. The future use of school gyms is dependent on proper use of the gyms by all NBBA teams. If misuse or damage occurs it could result in the NBBA losing the use of the school
Scheduling Conflicts
Some conflicts and rescheduling are unavoidable given the number of players, activities, and demands on these facilities. However, we work closely with those in charge of the facilities and do our best to minimize unexpected conflicts and to keep rescheduling of games and practices to a minimum.
Rules of Conduct
Since we do not have our own gyms, please remember that we are visitors in the facilities that we use. Therefore, it is important that you respect representatives of the facilities. In general, please stay in the assigned gym – i.e., don’t roam around and don’t bounce basketballs anywhere but inside the gym. Also, for safety reasons, please keep wet shoes/boots off the gym floors. This is the primary cause of injuries. Finally, it is important that you clean up after yourself – don’t leave wrappers and containers behind after you are done playing.
All players, coaches and parents must adhere to the following NBBA gym rules:
- No players are allowed in the school facility without their coach and/or assistant coach.
- Only NBBA registered coaches can provide supervision of players, and must be certified for the appropriate level of play.
- No player can leave the gym premises without coaches permission.
- No bouncing of basketballs in school hallways.
- No street shoes are to be worn in the gym by ANYONE! Boots and overshoes must be removed by everyone, including spectators before entering gyms.
- No equipment is to be removed from the gym and must be returned to its proper storage area after use. This includes things such as basketballs, clocks, tables, chairs etc.
- No food or drink is to be taken into the gym.
- Groups must assist in set up and clean up, including tables, chairs, clocks, picking up garbage etc.
- All areas of the school are off limits except for the gym and the hallways used to get to and from the gym. Please ensure all siblings are in the gym ONLY!
As of 2018-19, an honorarium has been provided to non-parent coaches who are recruited to fill head coach positions. The non-parent head coach honorarium is $1,000 for the competitive program, $750 for the recreational program, $500 for U12 development, and $250 for novice development (U8 and U10).
As of 2022-23, the honorarium policy has been expanded to include non-parent assistant coaches, and parents who are head coaches or assistant coaches. Subject to a limit of one head coach and one assistant coach per team,
- the honorarium for a non-parent assistant coach in any program is half of the honorarium for a non-parent head coach in that program (see above)
- the honorarium for a parent head coach in any program is the registration fee for that program (not including the team fee for the competitive program)
- the honorarium for a parent assistant coach in any program is half of the honorarium for a parent head coach in that program.
The expanded honorarium policy is intended to help recruit, recognize, and retain coaches, and is part of a broader emphasis on supporting and developing coaches.
NBBA camps provide boys and girls ages 8-14 an opportunity to develop their basketball skills. The camps are geared to players interested in playing competitive or recreational basketball. The camps will focus on the basic basketball skills: footwork, dribbling, passing and shooting.
NBBA Camps
The NBBA may offer March Break and summer basketball camps. The camps will generally be restricted to players ages 8-14 (Grades 3-8); separate camps will be run for boys and girls where possible.
Camp Coordinator
One or more Camp Coordinators will be appointed by (and may members of) the Executive Committee and be responsible for:
- Coordinating the various NBBA camps.
- Selecting the Camp Director and counselors and presenting the names to the board for approval.
- Establishing the camp dates and presenting them to the board for approval.
- Coordinating the registration process.
Camp Director
Each camp will be run by a Camp Director, who will be responsible for:
- Development of the program in consultation with the Camp Coordinator and Technical Director.
- Overseeing the work of the camp counselors.
- Developing and implementing the camp Emergency Action Plan.
Camp Administration
Camp administration will be carried out by the General Manager or other NBBA staff. Administration consists of:
- Camp publicity.
- Camp registration.
- Coordinating camp shirts and prizes.
- Administrative liaison with parents.
Camp Counselors
The camp counselors will be responsible for:
- Carrying out the camp program under the direction of the Camp Director.
- Carrying out the early drop-off and late pick-up program.
Selection of Camp Director and Counselors
The selection of the Camp Director and counselors will be approved by the NBBA Board. A call letter for applicants will be made via the club website and other distribution channels (such as the EOBA website, word of mouth etc…). Once the applicants have been received the Camp Coordinator will make the selections and present them to the board for approval.
The Camp Director and counselors will be compensated by the club. Prior to the launch of the camp the Camp Coordinator will present a budget to the board that will stipulate the remuneration for the Camp Director and counselors. The Camp Director must be 21 years of age or older. The camp counselors must be 14 years of age or older – preference will be given to individuals 16 years of age or older.
In selecting the Camp Director and counselors the following criteria will be used:
- Coaching certification.
- Previous experience as a camp counsellor or director.
- First-aid certification.
- Preference given to current and former NBBA players.
Camp Registration Fees
The camp registration fees will be set every year by the NBBA Board. The registration fees will be established such that they cover all camp expenses incurred by the club and they are commensurate with fees charged for other area basketball camps. Any revenue in excess of expenses due to the running of the camp will be invested in the club.
Program Procedures
Where parents feel that their child is above the skill level of his/her designated age group, or for other reasons, they may make a request to the NBBA for their child to play outside the designated age group. This may be allowed if:
- The coaches of both teams involved feel it is in the best interest of the player.
- Playing up would not jeopardize the viability of the team at the designated age group.
- There is sufficient space available on the next-level-up team (i.e. playing up would not result in another player being cut or denied an opportunity to play).
- Where the request is based on skill level, generally the player is assessed to be a likely starter (top-5 player) on the next-level-up team.
Once a player plays up, they are considered to be a part of that older cohort in future years, i.e. a request does not need to be made annually.
In each case where a request has been received by an NBBA Coach for a player to “play up”, the decision to allow a player, whether recreational or competitive, to play up a division rests with the designated Executive Committee member in consultation with the club Technical Director and the coaches involved in the request.
Upon request by a parent that a player be considered to play in the age level above the one he/she qualifies for based on advanced skill level, the process shall be as follows:
- The player registers and attends the first sort-out or try-out for their designated age group, where the player is assessed by the coach of the designated age group (Coach A) and, where possible, by the coach of the next level up (Coach B).
- If both coaches agree, Coach B invites the player to the next sort-out or try-out for the next level up. The Technical Director and/or an Executive Committee member may also be invited.
- Both coaches may agree to waive the need for either or both on-court evaluations if they are familiar with the player and the other players at each age level.
- Based on a recommendation from Coaches A and B, the request shall be sent to the designated Executive Committee member for approval or denial in consultation with the Technical Director.
- If the request is denied, parents may appeal in writing to the Executive Committee for reconsideration. The review will be acted upon by the Executive Committee within the shortest time frame possible. The decision by the Executive Committee shall be final. The party requesting the appeal shall be notified of the decision.
Requests to withdraw from NBBA programs must be submitted to the Registrar via email and are subject to the following administration fees:
- Prior to September 30: $25.00
- October 1-15: $50.00
- October 16–31: $100.00
- After October 31: Refunds will not be provided.
Administration fees charged are based on the date the notification is received by the Registrar,
Refunds will be processed within 6-8 weeks of notification to the registrar.
Tryout fees for competitive teams are non-refundable.
For camps and skill sessions, the NBBA will offer a full refund (minus an administration fee) if the notice to withdrawal is received prior to the start of the camp or session. Refunds will not be offered after a camp or session has begun.
Health & Safety
All teams should follow the NBBA policy that a parent is inside the gym at any practice where the team has only one coach present. If it is a girls team with male coaching it is preferable that a mother remains at practice; if it is a boys team with female coaching it is preferable that a father remains at practice.
This POD can assist in circumstances such as injuries, and as needed with players leaving the gym for personal reasons (e.g. visiting the washroom). A coach or POD should be the last to leave the facility after every practice.
An effort to find a POD should be made before practice begins or, if a team has only one coach, it is suggested that the team manager coordinate a schedule at the beginning of the season so that the POD role can be shared equally.
See the Rule of Two.
- Water bottles must be filled prior to entering the gym for practice/games.
- If a player needs to leave the gym (washroom or water) once inside the gym for practice/games, they must first ask permission from the coach and then be accompanied by a parent or coach.
- No players should leave before practice is finished without notifying the coach. If a player needs to leave practice early, the parent is to come into the gym to pick them up; otherwise she/he is to be escorted to the waiting ride.
- Players are not to be outside alone waiting for pick up. Coaches or a designated parent will wait with them until their parent arrives.
- Siblings should not be roaming the halls and should be with the parent at all times.
Every head coach and team should have an emergency action plan (EAP) in place to help them respond to emergency situations. At a minimum, head coaches should always have a first-aid kit on hand, be able to call 911 and/or contact any parent or guardian, and be able to provide a name, address and/or directions for the site. The EAP should contain all emergency contact information and be available at all practices and games, including tournaments.
A more elaborate EAP will include medical profiles, and an address for a near-by hospital, which, for NBBA facilities, is the Queensway Carleton Hospital at 3045 Baseline Road (613-721-2000).
The EAP is maintained by the coach or team manager and is updated throughout the season when necessary. Preparing and ensuring everyone is aware of the EAP in advance will help NBBA teams respond in a responsible and clear-headed way if an emergency occurs.
For a fillable EAP template, see EAP Form, which can be used to create EAPs for practice and competition sites. The EAP template assigns a charge person and call person (with backups), and describes their responsibilities. For each player attach a medical profile and parent/guardian contact information. Always have a cell phone with a fully charged battery.
NCCP Emergency Action Plan is a free e-learning module available to coaches.
The EAP should be activated immediately if the injured person:
- Is not breathing.
- Does not have a pulse.
- Is bleeding profusely.
- Has impaired consciousness.
- Has injured the back, neck or head.
- Has a visible major trauma to a limb.
While it is important for everyone to be aware of the EAP, the following people have key roles in carrying out the EAP. These people should be identified at the beginning of the season. If for any reason they cannot fulfill their role at a given practice, game or other team event their duties will be assigned to their designate – also determined at the start of the season.
Charge Person – The Charge Person has the following responsibilities:
- Reduce the risk of further harm to the injured person by securing the area and sheltering the injured person from the elements.
- Designate who is in charge of the other athletes. If nobody is available for this task, cease all activities and ensure that the athletes are in a safe area.
- Protect yourself (wear gloves if in contact with body fluids such as blood).
- Assess ABCs (check that the airway is clear, breathing is present, a pulse is present, and there is no major bleeding).
- Wait by the injured person until EMS arrives and the injured person is transported
- Fill in an accident report form
Call Person – The Call Person has the following responsibilities:
- Call for emergency help.
- Provide all necessary information to dispatch (e.g. facility location, nature of injury, description of first aid that has been done, allergies and other medical problems for that athlete).
- Clear any traffic from the entrance/access road before ambulance arrives.
- Wait by the driveway entrance to the facility to direct the ambulance when it arrives.
- Call the emergency contact person listed on the injured person’s medical profile.
Teams are advised to simulate an emergency situation a couple of times over the course of the season and adjust the EAP if necessary.
Sequence of events to follow in the event of an emergency:
- The primary charge person assesses the situation and determines if the emergency action plan needs to be activated.
- If the EAP needs to be activated the primary charge person signals the call person by raising their hand in the air and holding up their index finger indicating that 9-1-1 needs to be called.
- While the first call person is phoning 911 the second call person is accessing the teams EAP and looking up relevant location information (name of the facility, address, phone number and phone number of the primary call person).
- Once all information has been given 9-1-1 the primary call person will raise their hand up in the air and hold up their index finger in order to signal to the charge person that emergency services are on their way.
- The first call person stays on the scene while the second and third call person go to the facility entrance(s) in order to escort emergency services to the injured person.
- Upon signal that the EAP has been activated the second charge person will retrieve the First Aid kit and bring it to the first charge person and the injured player.
- The first call person should remain with the injured player and gather as much information as possible regarding the extent of the injury.
Steps to follow when an injury occurs:
1. Control the environment so that no further harm occurs:
- Stop all athletes
- Protect yourself if you suspect bleeding (put on gloves)
- If outdoors, shelter the injured athlete from the elements and from any traffic
2. Do an initial assessment of the situation. If the athlete:
- Is not breathing
- Does not have a pulse
- Is bleeding profusely
- Has impaired consciousness
- Has injured the back, neck or head
- Has a visible major trauma to a limb.
- Cannot move his or her arms or legs or has lost feeling in them
Activate the EAP
3. Do a second assessment of the situation
- Gather the facts by talking to the injured athlete as well as anyone who witnessed the incident.
- Stay with the injured athlete and try to calm him or her, your tone of voice and body language are critical.
- If possible, have the athlete move himself or herself off the playing surface to not attempt to move an injured athlete.
4. Assess the injury
- Have someone with first-aid training complete an assessment of the injury and decide how to proceed.
- If the person trained in first aid is not sure of the severity of the injury or no one present has first-aid training, activate the EAP.
5. Control the return to activity.
Allow an athlete to return to activity after a minor injury only if there is no:
- Swelling
- Deformity
- Continued Bleeding
- Reduced range of motion
- Pain when using the injured part
Emergency Phone Numbers | 9-1-1 for all emergencies |
Cell phone number of Coach | |
Cell phone number of Assistant Coach | |
Cell phone number of Team Manager | |
Address of main practice and game facilities | |
Address of nearest hospital | |
Charge Person (1st option) | |
Charge Person (2nd option) | |
Chare Person (3rd option) | |
Call Person (1st option) | |
Call Person (2nd option) | |
Call Person (3rd option) | |
Individuals certified in administering First Aid |
Other NBBA Facilities | Nearest Hospital |
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School 170 Stoneway Drive Nepean, ON K2G 6R2 613-825-2600 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Berrigan Elementary School 199 Berrigan Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 5C6 613-825-0092 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Cedarview Middle School 2760 Cedarview Road Nepean, ON K2J 4J2 613-825-2185 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
D. Audrey Moodie Elementary School 595 Moodie Drive Nepean, ON K2H 8A8 613-829-4080 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Farley Mowat Public School 75 Waterbridge Drive Nepean, ON K2G 6T3 613-825-3006 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Frank Ryan Catholic School 128 Chesterton Drive Nepean, ON K2E 5T8 613-224-8833 |
Ottawa Hospital – Riverside Campus 1967 Riverside Drive Ottawa, ON K1H 7W9 613-722-7000 |
Greenbank Middle School 168 Greenbank Road Nepean, ON K2H 5V2 613-828-4587 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
John McRae Secondary School 103 Malvern Drive Nepean, ON K2J 4T2 613-823-0367 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Longfields Davidson Heights H.S. 149 Berrigan Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 5C6 613-843-7722 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Mary Honeywell Elementary School 54 Kennevale Drive Nepean, ON K2J 3B2 613-825-4834 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Meadowlands Public School 10 Fieldrow Street Nepean, ON K2G 2Y7 613-224-1733 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Merivale High School 1755 Merivale Road Nepean, ON K2G 1E2 613-224-1807 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Mother Teresa High School 440 Longfields Drive Nepean, ON K2J 4T1 613-823-1663 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Monsignor Paul Baxter Elementary 333 Beatrice Drive Nepean, ON K2J 4W1 613-825-7544 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Ottawa Christian School 255 Tartan Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 3T1 613-825-3000 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Sir Guy Carleton High School 55 Centrepointe Drive Nepean, ON K2G 5L4 613-723-5136 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
St. Andrews Catholic Elementary School 201 Crestway Drive Nepean, ON K2G 6Z3 613-843-0050 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
St. Joseph’s High School 3333 Greenbank Road Nepean, ON. K2J 4J1 613-823-4797 |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road Nepean, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-2000 |
Away Facilities: To be updated on a regular basis as schedule is determined.
Facility | Nearest Hospital |
The Ontario Basketball Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct applies to coaches, players, and parents/guardians of players.
Under Rowan’s Law, all coaches, players, and parents/guardians of players under the age of 18 are required to review and confirm annually the Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct, as well as the Concussion Resources for Coaches.
This is done as part of our online registration.
NCCP Making Head Way in Sport is a free e-learning module on concussion awareness for coaches.
A Travel Consent Form is used to provide written consent for a player who is a member of the Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association to travel and stay with another parent and player for overnight basketball games, and MUST be completed for any player who is a minor (under the age of 18). Parents or legal guardians designate the other parent(s) who will be supervising, travelling and staying with their child, and also verify that the team manager and/or head coach has an up-to-date NBBA Player Medical Information Sheet.
Codes of Conduct
The OBA Code of Conduct applies to member clubs such as the NBBA, and to our coaches, players, spectators and officials. Its purpose is to ensure a safe and positive environment.
All players agree to abide by the NBBA Player Code of Conduct (pdf) during online registration, and sign it digitally.
All parents agree to adhere to the NBBA Parent Code of Conduct (pdf) during registration. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may result in a decision to bar parent attendance at games and tournaments. The following guiding principles are also applicable.
Guiding Principles
- Please keep in mind that your child’s coach is a community volunteer who is committing many hours of personal time to help your child as well as the other players on the team. Parents with concerns or questions regarding the coach’s objectives or development approach should arrange to discuss these concerns privately and in a measured, constructive manner.
- Remember at all times that the goals of the Nepean Blue Devils are to make the overall basketball experience a positive one; to develop players, both mentally and physically, with an emphasis on team building, good sportsmanship, skill development, and physical fitness.
- Avoid coaching from the sidelines. This is neither welcome nor appropriate. Parents suggestions may be in direct contradiction to the coach’s strategy or instructions and will likely confuse or distract the players.
- Instruct siblings and other family members regarding the code of behaviour. Parents are expected to ensure those family members and other guests who are in attendance at games or tournaments adhere to the same behaviour guidelines. Parents are also expected to ensure that their child arrives on time for practices and games.
- Show respect and a positive attitude at all times towards the coaches, game officials, the players, your fellow spectators and the opposing team. Please exhibit restraint when there are questionable decisions from the referees and let the coach address them. Confrontation and inappropriate language or behaviour not only set a bad example for the players but may also negatively influence subsequent referee calls.
- Encourage and support your child’s team as much as possible by ensuring that your comments are positive and morale-building. It is not acceptable to criticize any player on or off the court irrespective of whether the player is your child or someone else’s. The coach is there to train and develop the players and he/she is the one responsible for discussing players performance.
All coaches agree to adhere to the NBBA Coaches Code of Conduct (pdf) as part of online registration. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may result in intervention by the NBBA Executive Committee. The following guiding principles are also applicable.
Guiding Principles
- Promote the goals of the Nepean Blue Devils, namely – make the overall basketball experience a positive one by developing the players, both mentally and physically, with an emphasis on team building, good sportsmanship, skill development and physical fitness.
- Remember at all times that you are coaching impressionable children, adolescents and teenagers. They will look to you, as an adult and a member of the community, to lead by example. Leading by example includes actions such as arriving at games and practices on time, and providing as much advance notice as possible regarding changes to games and practices.
- Always show respect and a positive attitude towards the game officials, your players, the spectators and to the coaches and players of the opposing team. Address questionable or disputed calls with game officials in a courteous and rational manner.
- Instill in your players the importance of following the NBBA Player Code of Conduct. Explain the guidelines as well as the consequences of not adhering to the code by using examples and suggestions which are suitable for your players age group.
- Support and encourage your players as much as possible. Do your utmost to use a positive and constructive approach with respect to player development and performance, including the development of weekly practice plans.
- Ensure that the lines of communication are well established with both players and parents. Communication is of paramount importance to foster player development and to maintain parent support.
The NCCP Code of Ethics (pdf) applies to every coach in Canada, and provides ethical standards of behaviour.
Disrespectful slogans, political statements, disrespectful wording or statements shall not be displayed on clothing. A higher standard may be established by the Head Coach when desired.
At no time will the Head Coach set a lesser standard then set forth in these guidelines. The NBBA has a ZERO TOLERANCE towards unsportsmanlike conduct while wearing the Blue Devils uniform and representing the NBBA.
Room Requirements/Rules
Players are expected to stay in their assigned room. Head coach will assign rooms for the team.
- After Curfew, you may not leave your assigned room unless it is an emergency.
- No screaming or disturbing other guests.
- No running in the halls or bouncing basketballs.
- No entering hotels rooms except for parents, coaches or teammates.
- Rooms must be kept clean.
- The Head Coach will determine a team curfew.
- Lights out ½ hour later.
- After Curfew, you may not leave your assigned room unless it is an emergency.
Team Meals
The Head coach will determine time of meals. All team members are required to eat together and arrive on time for the meals. Exceptions to the above must first be cleared by the coach.
Travel Responsibilities
The players are expected to travel and stay and participate with the team for the entire event. For as long as the team is still playing in the tournament, players are required to meet at a designated area and time as determined by the coach.
All participants on the trip are expected to be polite, positive, well-mannered, cooperative, good sports, and respectful and considerate of parents, staff, coaches, official, teammates and opponents.
There are times when players may be without direct adult supervision. When this happens, the Head Coach will be expected to know where you are and when you will be back. At the same time, it is your responsibility to:
a) know how to find one of the adults,
b) to know when and where you are expected to be next,
c) to be there on time.
When you are off without adult supervision, you will always use the “Rule of Three” – at least three players together.
Failure to Comply
Players may be sent home at parents additional expense if they violate serious behavior rules related to drugs, drinking, illegal activities, tobacco products or having members of the opposite sex in rooms at any time.
The NBBA and its coaches and administrators will not be liable for any additional expenses that may arise due to discipline.
Violation of these rules will forfeit the player from playing in the Basketball Ontario Provincial tournament.
Other Safe Sport Policies
Nepean Basketball supports the Responsible Coaching Movement and its three pillars - Rule of Two, Background Screening, Ethics Training.
Coaches are expected to apply the Rule of Two, helping to ensure a safe sport environment. A coach should have another coach or adult present when interacting with one or more players. The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are in open, observable, and justifiable settings.
Athlete Protection Guidelines clarify and expand on the application of the Rule of Two, e.g., for travel.
Understanding the Rule of Two is a free e-learning module for coaches.
A secure sport environment is one where coaches and sport organization leaders are screened to meet requirements to be involved in sport.
NBBA screening includes background and reference checks, interviews, and police record checks done at regular intervals. All coaches and members of the Executive Committee are required to have completed a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) within the last 3 years. Other screening tools include job descriptions (see Downloads & Forms) and our visible policies and procedures.
See Volunteer.
The NBBA adopted Safe Sport training for coaches to help ensure a positive environment in which all our players can thrive. The training is online and free.
The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport calls for all sporting environments to be free from physical, sexual and psychological abuse. Safe Sport training aligns with those values, providing training on harassment and abuse.
For 2023-24, Safe Sport training is required for all coaches and club directors (see Volunteer).
Any complaint about the conduct of an NBBA coach, player, parent or other member may be reported to the General Manager, the President, or a Vice President. The NBBA will review the complaint and conduct a confidential internal investigation as needed, which may entail appointing a Discipline Committee. The NBBA will assess whether it has a legal duty to report a complaint to police or child protection, or should notify the OBA, EOBA or other organizations, for possible external investigation.
Incidents during or at games are generally the responsibility of a league convenor such as the EOBA or OBA Fair Play Commissioner. OBA penalties for offences include ejection from an event, interim suspension pending review, suspension, suspension plus probation, lifetime suspension.
A Canadian Sport Helpline is available to victims or witnesses of abuse, discrimination or harassment in a sport environment. Operators help victims and witnesses understand their options and connect them with resources based on their needs.
Anyone who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child or youth is suffering from abuse must report the suspicion to The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa.
The Executive Committee may appoint a Discipline Committee of three members, at least one of whom must be a member of the board of directors, to review or investigate a complaint about the conduct of an NBBA coach, player, parent, or other club member.
A Discipline Committee is authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions up to and including suspension from participation and/or probation. Pending its report, a Committee may impose interim suspension from participation, which cannot be appealed.
A Discipline Committee may recommend membership suspension or expulsion to the Executive Committee, which is authorized by the club by-law to suspend or expel any member from the NBBA on grounds and with notice.
Any party to a complaint may appeal a Discipline Committee report to the Executive Committee within 14 days, with sufficient grounds. If permitted, an appeal will be decided by members of the Executive Committee who are not on the Discipline Committee and had no prior involvement in the complaint between the parties. An appeal decision may uphold, reject or modify the Discipline Committee report, including any sanctions, and is final and binding.
See Discipline Committee Policy (pdf) for details.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
The following policies of the OBA foster a diverse and inclusive environment for coaches and participants, and apply to all member clubs including the NBBA:
- Equity Policy
- Equal opportunities and an environment free of discrimination.
- Gender Equity Policy
- Gender should not hinder participation or leadership.
- Inclusive Sport Participation
- Players can participate in a manner consistent with their gender identity.
Anti-racism in Coaching is a free CAC e-learning module.
Nepean Basketball takes the Canada Basketball Member EDI Pledge:
- We pledge to provide an accessible, inclusive, and welcoming basketball
environment for all. - We will ensure everyone feels safe and that they belong, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability, and conviction for an offense for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record of suspension has been ordered.
- We firmly stand against any form of racism, discrimination, or harassment.
- We will strive to provide programming that targets underrepresented groups, while reducing systemic and overt barriers to participation.
- We commit to ongoing education to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and
Financial assistance for NBBA registration fees is available through charitable organizations such as Jumpstart and KidSport™.
See Financial Assistance.
Marketing & Promotion
About the Logo and Identity Guidelines
The official logo of the Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association is owned and all rights concerning this logo are reserved by the Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association.
The logo must be used as provided and in its entirety. The logo can be reduced or enlarged in size, but the scale should be retained. Please do not attempt to recreate the logo or edit it in any way.
Primary Colours
- Colour is the most important of the NBBA identity system. The colours on the right are the colours for ALL NBBA institutional and athletic logos. If these colours are not available, the logo should be printed in all black or reversed in white (whichever offers the best contrast)
Accent Colours
- In addition to the colours shown above, the NBBA identity system utilizes black as an important accent colour. Black helps to add contrast to the blue and white. When the official colours are not available, most NBBA logos and art may be reversed in all white on darker backgrounds.
How should the logo be used?
The logo must be used as provided and in its entirety. The logo can be reduced or enlarged in size, but the scale should be retained. Please do not attempt to recreate the logo or edit it in any way.
Where may the logo may be used?
Since use of the logo may be perceived as an extension of the Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association or imply endorsement, NBBA requires prior approval. Examples of appropriate use may include displays, stationery, publications or clothing.
The NBBA logo may not be used without prior approval and approval will be withheld if its use is deemed inappropriate by the organization. An example of inappropriate use would be use of the logo to endorse products. NBBA reserves the right to revoke permission to use the logo if it violates the conditions of its use.
The following uses are not permitted:
- Used as or to create one’s own logo or design
- Used for commercial purposes
- Used in a way that would damage the image of or trust in the Nepean Blue Devil Basketball Association
- Used in a socially inappropriate manner
How is permission obtained?
Please send a description of your intended use to The more specific you can be in your request, the speedier the reply. Please include the following:
- Your Name
- Name of team and program
- Purpose of use
- Media used (printed material, clothing, etc.)
- Name of the printed material, if the logo will be used in printed material.
- Sample of clothing to be imprinted (with appropriate colours)
Logo Do’s and Don’ts
- Do use electronic data sent by the NBBA especially for use in printed material.
- Do not place any frame around the logo.
- Do use the color version, whenever possible.
- Do leave appropriate isolation space to ensure the visibility of the logo.
- Do not place the logo against a background that would render it illegible.
- Do not alter its shape, contents or color, or combine it with other design elements.
- Do not rotate or invert the Logo.
Unless otherwise noted, all materials and publications, including web sites and emails, are protected as the copyrights, trade dress and/or intellectual properties owned by the NEPEAN BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION. Such intellectual properties may not be reproduced or used by others without the express written permission of the NEPEAN BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
The NEPEAN BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION name, trademarks, logos, services marks, brand identities, titles, trade names, graphics, designs and copyrights (collectively the “Trademarks”) are protected intellectual properties that are both registered and unregistered Trademarks of the NEPEAN BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION, its affiliates and others. Nothing used on clothing, uniforms, publications, web sites or other materials shall be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, as a license or right to use any NEPEAN BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Trademarks by third parties.
Sponsors of teams at any level of competitive or recreational programs should be motivated by the objective of making a worthwhile community contribution. The purpose of the sponsorship should be to assist children and youth, and help make their community a better place in which to live.
Sponsorship of teams is an important way for the Association to raise funds for operations. It must be understood, however, that sponsorship does not give the sponsor any rights in the operation of the Association or any teams.
The Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association (“NBBA”) maintains an active sponsorship program. This program fulfills two (2) purposes:
- To successfully engage the NBBA, the families and players with the community; and
- To generate partnerships in order to provide revenue to support the sport of boys and girls’ basketball.
There are four immediate goals. These goals will be reviewed and revised periodically by the Board and/or a designated committee(s):
- To provide operational expenses for the growing association;
- To accumulate and maintain a one to two year funding reserves to be used for growth and development;
- To develop a scholarship program to serve members of our basketball community by providing funds for basketball-related needs. Examples might include basketball camps, registration, equipment, etc.
- To help teams address individual team expenses associated with their participation in NBBA programs.
Ways to Sponsor
There are two primary ways to sponsor – team sponsorship and Association sponsorship.
Full Team Sponsorship – Platinum – $1,500 contribution will allow for recognition of the sponsor at the Association’s year end event, provide an opportunity to display the sponsor’s name on the NBBA website, and a plaque would be presented at end of season with the sponsored team’s picture saying thanks to sponsor. In addition, it will provide an optional opportunity of placing your corporate name or business logo on a banner to be placed by the team bench during home games.
Partial Team Sponsorship – Gold – $750 contribution will allow for recognition of the sponsor at Association’s year end event, provide an opportunity to display the the sponsor’s name on the NBBA website, and a plaque would be presented at end of season with the sponsored team’s picture saying thanks to sponsor.
General Support – Bronze – $100 or more contributions will allow for recognition of the sponsor at Association’s year end event, provide an opportunity to display thesponsor’s name on the NBBA website.
Such a contribution can be used by the Association as a tool to provide direct benefits to the Association in general or to a specific division, team, or player if so directed by the Sponsor.
$2,500 contribution – Gold – will provide you the opportunity to display a sign of approximately 4 feet by 8 feet, allow for recognition of the sponsor at the Association’s year end event, and provide an opportunity to display the sponsor’s name on NBBA website.
$1,500 contribution – Silver – will provide a 4 by 4 foot, allow for recognition of the sponsor at the Association’s year end event, and provide an opportunity to display thesponsor’s name on NBBA website.
$750 contribution – Bronze – will provide a banner of about 18 inches by 36 inches,allow for recognition of the sponsor at the Association’s year end event, and provide an opportunity to display the sponsor’s name on NBBA website.
Sponsorship Policies
All sponsors shall receive appropriate recognition for their contributions (as specified above). All sponsors will be recognized on the Nepean Blue Devils website.
All sponsors monies received must be channeled through NBBA Treasurer with the cheque made payable to “Nepean Blue Devils Basketball Association” or “NBBA”. The NBBA Treasurer will issue a receipt to the sponsoring organization, which would be given to the sponsor by a team representative. If a cheque is to be mailed to the Association, it should be mailed to the NBBA address, that is,
Suite 405 – 900 Greenbank Road, Nepean, Ontario K2J 4P6
NBBA encourages sponsors to make donations to NBBA as an organization. However, NBBA recognizes that some sponsors may wish to sponsor a specific team. This shall be allowed. However, donations or gifts that create inequities are not allowed and the President, Treasurer and/or a Board-designated Committee will monitor this to insure equity among the teams. Each team is encouraged to seek sponsors in conjunction with the NBBA Board-designated committee(s).
The Association sets standards for sponsorship. No advertisement (logos, programs ads, etc) for sponsors may include direct references to alcohol or tobacco products. The Association must carefully choose sponsors, avoiding those that may, according to local community standards, be offensive. The Association reserves the right to prohibit any team from accepting a sponsorship. In addition, all non-NBBA logos should not be placed on any equipment or clothing that is the property of the NBBA and the placement of all non-NBBA logos on any equipment or team clothing owned directly by team members must be pre-approved by the Board.
- Sponsor logo usage must be submitted for approval prior to any use in conjunction with the Nepean Blue Devils Basketball association Logo, Team Uniforms, or Team Banners.
- The size of the presenting Sponsor’s logo cannot be larger than the size of the Nepean Basketball Association logo.
- Placement of both logos must be indicated when submitted.
General Annual Sponsorship Policies
The President, Treasurer, and/or a Board-designated committee(s) will set annual goals and proceed with developing an approach to reaching these goals with final approval by the NBBA Board of Directors.
Longer-Term Development Policies
The President, Treasurer and/or a Board-designated committee(s) are directed by the NBBA Board of Directors to begin planning and implementation of a longer-term strategy for continued sponsorship, fund-raising and development opportunities.
The President, Treasurer and/or a Board-designated committee(s) are encouraged to develop long-range goals including, but not limited to:
- Determining an initial dollar amount goal based upon future NBBA needs (i.e. costs of gym rentals, insurance, uniforms, equipment purchases, etc.)
- Promotional or marketing opportunities for NBBA official sponsors.
- Giving appropriate recognition to those major contributors.
Site Map
Contact info
405 - 900 Greenbank Road
Nepean, Ontario K2J 4P6
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