Girls belong in basketball, being active, building self-esteem and confidence, developing life skills such as leadership and teamwork, making social connections, and having fun.


Before the Covid pandemic, fewer girls participated in sport compared to boys, and with a higher drop-out rate. Covid could magnify the disparity (see Return to Sport for Girls). Our goal at the NBBA is to attract and retain former and new female members. Why should girls join the NBBA to play basketball?

      • We got our start as a girls-only club for 15 years, so girls basketball was and is a priority for us. Girls belong in our basketball.
      • We offer high-quality programming equally to girls and boys, including facilities, coaching, and uniforms. No discrimination.
      • Being active leads to improved physical health, which carries forward in life.
      • Basketball helps foster self-esteem and confidence and develop important life skills such as teamwork and leadership.
      • We strive for an inclusive and supportive environment, reinforced by the recent adoption of Safe Sport Training. That supports healthy social connections, which is a high priority for girls.
      • As a point of emphasis, we are recruiting women and NBBA alumni as coaches, and as role models.
      • If you felt stuck at home, get out and have fun!
