Starting July 5, the NBBA is running summer camps over an 8-week period for girls 8-11, girls 12-14, boys 8-11, and boys 12-14. Each camp will have two coaches.

Due to current Ontario Step 2 restrictions, camps will be held outdoors for the first 3 weeks at Barrhaven Fellowship Christian Reform Church, and with no fee.

We expect to begin indoor camps at Ottawa Christian School (for girls) and Redeemer Christian School (for boys) on July 26, and will open registration for indoor camps when Ontario Step 3 is announced; there will be a fee to cover facility rentals.

All campers will be invited to join their camp on TeamSnap, with access to the camp schedule plus the TeamSnap availability and Health Check features. See 2021 Summer Camp Details for a master schedule and information on locations.

Outdoor Camps

Concurrent boys and girls day camps are from 8:30 am to 10:15 am, 10:30 am to 12:15 pm, and 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm. Each camp will have its own court and be a separate cohort. Evening camps are 3-week camps held one night a week from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, with ages 8-11 on Tuesdays, ages 12-14 on Thursdays.

Based on current Ontario Step 2 protocols,

  • Campers must complete an online OBA Assumption of Risk Waiver Form.
  • Each camp will operate as a consistent cohort, including coaches.
  • Physical distancing will apply between camps and within each camp (i.e., no scrimmages, but passing is permitted).
  • Campers and coaches will not be required to wear masks outside, but coaches will wear a mask if they cannot maintain physical distancing.
  • If washrooms are made available, there will be no indoor mixing of cohorts, and masks must be worn indoors.
  • Campers and coaches will be screened before camp each day using the TeamSnap Health Check app, preferably prior to arrival at camp.
  • There will also be passive screening (signage) at a sign-in table.
  • Coaches will bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to each training session.
  • The NBBA strongly encourages all eligible staff and campers to receive COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible.

If a day or evening camp is cancelled due to weather (e.g., rain, extreme heat), we have no backup plan to offer a virtual camp. However, the NBBA website does have a good collection of At-Home Indoor Drills that players are welcome to do on their own.