Summer Camps Registration
Nepean Basketball is pleased to launch public registration for our weekly evening Summer Camps. The camps will provide boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (current grades 3 to 8) with an opportunity to develop their offensive and defensive basketball skills, and are geared to players interested in playing competitive or recreational basketball. Different skills will be emphasized each week.
All camps are held one night a week. Girls camps are on Tuesdays at Ottawa Christian School (OCS), boys camps are available on Tuesdays at the Nepean Sportsplex or on Thursdays at OCS.
Here is a link to the registration form on TeamSnap:
Spaces are limited to 30 players and fill up quickly, so be sure to register early. If a camp is full, you may select the waitlist in case spots open up.
Further information will be emailed before the start of camps to players that have registered.
Camps at Ottawa Christian School:
Tuesday Evenings, July 4 to August 15 (7 weeks)
Girls ages 9 to 11 (born 2012 to 2014) from 6:00-7:30 pm – FULL
Girls ages 12 to 14 (born 2009 to 2011) from 7:30-9:00 pm – FULL
Cost: $120
Thursday Evenings, July 6 to August 10 (6 weeks, OCS is not available on August 17)
Boys ages 9 to 11 (born 2012 to 2014) from 6:00-7:30 pm – FULL
Boys ages 12 to 14 (born 2009 to 2011) from 7:30-9:00 pm – FULL
Cost: $105
Camps at the Nepean Sportsplex:
Tuesday Evenings, July 4 to August 15 (7 weeks)
Boys ages 9 to 11 (born 2012 to 2014) from 6:00-7:30 pm
Boys ages 12 to 14 (born 2009 to 2011) from 7:30-9:00 pm – FULL
Cost: $120